Maru Dojo

Aikido • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu • Filipino Martial Arts



The demographics of the dojo members are from all walks of life and whose age ranges from mid 20s - mid 50s. If you define yourself as an older individual and that my joints are too stiff to practice, do not sell yourself short. Walking into the dojo may cause anxiousness or feeling anxiety and/or intimidated. Most of us go through the same experience. But, take the first step. Many of the dojo members will share with you that they, too, went through the same experience.


It is a defensive martial art and is characterized by its blending movement. The movement of the art of aikido is simple yet complex, which consists of body throws, wrist locks, off-balancing and learning to side step. In some respects, the philosophies of aikido could be applied off the mat as we negotiate our relationships with friends, co-workers and family members. You do not need to fight every battle. Sometimes, you need to side step and preserve that positiveness in you.

Ray Feliciano is 6th Degree (Roku Dan) Black Belt with United States Aikido Federation (USAF).

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ)

One of the most challenging discipline I have ever pursued. It is challenging. It will push your boundaries. You will be placed in an awkward position. You will find yourself in a very uncomfortable position. It is learning how to be comfortable on the ground, discovering on how to be able to move with ease on your back. The dojo members are comprised of non-competitors but dedicated student of the art. The members are comprised of various ages. Many are in their mid 40s and in their 50s but it does not stop them from learning.

Ray Feliciano is a BJJ Black Belt with Roy Dean Affiliate.
